Top 10 Online Dating Tips

Top 10 Online Dating Tips

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Decide What You Want

If you don’t know what exactly it is you’re looking for, how will you ever find it? Be honest with yourself about what type of relationship you’re looking for. Knowing what you want saves everyone a lot of hassle.

Be Yourself

You would probably be pretty disappointed if someone turned out completely different in real life, then they were online. Think about how it would feel, because others will most likely feel the same way you would. Don’t pretend you’re someone you’re not just to connect with someone. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, honesty is the best policy.

Write A Great Profile

In the online dating world, your profile shows who you are. Try to keep it light and friendly, and avoid sounding too negative. Stay away from writing personal information such as your last name, home address, phone number etc.

Post Photos

It’s a proven fact that you will receive twelve times as many responses if you include a picture. It’s a good idea to post at least two pictures- one head shot, and one body shot. That way, people won’t think you’re trying to hide something. Showing pictures of you … READ MORE ...

Repair Your Marriage – How to Put the Flame Back

Do you feel bored with your marriage? Or, are you having suspicions that your husband is having an affair? Do you feel like getting out of all the burdens of married life? Don’t do it yet!

Yes, maintaining your married life is not easy. There will be a lot of trials and challenges to face and if one of you is not strong enough to hold on to your promises, you married life will grow dull and lifeless and in no time, both of you might want to get out of it. But, marriage is sacred and it is something to be kept and respected by everyone. That is why before you think of divorce, think of ways to repair your marriage.

Repair Your Marriage - How to Put the Flame Back

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It is never too late to repair your marriage now! Check the tips below that might help you fix the relationship you have with your partner.

relationship you have with your partner.

1) Talk to your Partner

Perhaps the problem in your relationship is lack of communication. Do not hesitate to make the first move to converse with your partner. Just do simple talk such as asking him or her after work on what happened to … READ MORE ...