How Do You Stay in Shape in a Relationship?

The joy of being in love is a sublime feeling. You always want to do everything right for your partner and seek to protect their interest at any cost. In a relationship, be it marriage or courtship, you learn the power of compromise and sacrifice, all of which are enabled due to the feeling called love.

Unfortunately, many relationships go down the drain and break up because of the parties’ inability to rekindle the old flame of love they once shared. There are so many reasons that could cause the breakdown of a relationship, and they are all valid reasons. These reasons include a breakdown in communication, frequent fighting, cheating, and, though this may sound odd, weight issues. A partner becomes frustrated when they are not comfortable with your weight, talks to you about it, and still does not see any effort to change or reduce it.

If your partner has issues with your weight, and you intend to make him feel more comfortable, you try out these tips to make you stay in shape;

Eat well, but not too much

Everyone has a different stomach capacity for food—excess food is bad for the body as it stores … READ MORE ...