Blind Date Tips for Guys

If you are on a blind date, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, be careful not to reveal too much information. Also, make sure to dress smartly and casually. Avoid awkward silences and make sure to let your date know if you would like to see them again.

Avoid awkward silences

Getting through an awkward silence on a date can be challenging. You’ll want to avoid making the situation worse by scrambling to find something to talk about. Here are some tips to help you get through this dreaded moment.

Try to ask a question that can stimulate thought. Asking a light-hearted query can also break the ice. This can lead to some interesting banter.

Getting through an awkward silence on a first date can be tricky. When it happens, you want to take a deep breath and try to relax. But it’s easy to lose your momentum. Keep your eye contact strong and pretend to be paying attention to the person you’re talking to. If you’re nervous, try to roll your shoulders back. That will make you feel less anxious.

It’s a good idea to ask yourself some questions about the person you’re dating. … READ MORE ...