Why Is Your Boyfriend No Longer Romantic?

Why Is Your Boyfriend No Longer Romantic?

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Does your boyfriend still bring you flowers? Unexpected presents? Sometimes put on mood music and light candles at dinner?


Well, I’ll be darned! That’s so hard to believe!

Actually, it’s not hard to believe at all. It happens all the time. And the reasons can be easily explained (we’ll get to that.)

What I know is that it makes your life feel bland. The “spice” is gone. Every day is the same monotonous routine. Perhaps you are contemplating an affair.

I often hear it said that “communication” is the key to relationship issues. So hopefully you’ve tried to talk to him about this. Right? And nothing’s changed? So much for “communication.”

Actually, I think “communication” is over-hyped. It is important, sure, but it is not the magic bullet that solves all relationship problems. You need to get this out of your head.

I suggest replacing “communication” with … READ MORE ...

VR Porn:  Is it Worth Watching?

The popularity of virtual reality porn has risen over the last few years – thanks to the easy access and its ability to put the real actions in front of the faces of porn enthusiasts. It is a whole new experience that’s worth exploring –and if you are yet to try out, then you’re missing out.

VR Porn:  Is it Worth Watching?

The porn industry is at the forefront of innovation. Productions and stakeholders are keen on giving their users a life-like experience whenever they seek pleasure through porn videos. Today, the best VR porn videos are easily accessible online, with some even using high-quality big-budget production to guarantee a top user experience.

So, is virtual reality porn worth watching?

The short answer is yes. It is worth it to watch VR porn because the truly stellar experience comes from 360 degrees.  Being able to immerse yourself into the scene heightens your senses and brings things … READ MORE ...

Penis Extender the Best Enlargement Device

Penis stretcher is another name of the penis extender or traction device, the idea of giving the name of penis extender to traction device is that the traction force is used to enlarge the size of the penis. Traction force is used to give the strength to the different parts of the body so it also shows the good result when we apply it into the penis extender. The traction force cause to increase the circulation of the blood into the penile organs, so when the circulation of the blood increase the dead cells of the penis start to activate which result in an increase in the penis size. Penis extender results when we use them carefully and properly because there are lots of things that we must keep in mind before the use of penis extender. The penis extender is the device which is worn into the penis and … READ MORE ...

These 5 Signs Mean You’Re Ready To Get Married

1. You’ve moved on from the dating scene

If the whole dating scene feels like something from another life, you’re ready for the next big thing. Some people have a miserable time dating, others love it. But at the point where it seems over for you, take it as a sign that you’re ready to get married. A comedian once said he realised that he only ever went out in the first place, to find someone to stay in with.

These 5 Signs Mean You'Re Ready To Get Married-1

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2. You’ve stopped looking

You realise that whereas with other dates, you had half an eye on who else was around, you’ve stopped doing that. You’re not constantly scrutinising people as potential dates or partners, or wondering if the perfect person is really out there. The relationship people, Relate, have a good summary of the pitfalls of online dating – https://www.relate.org.uk/relationship-help/help-relationships/being-single-and-dating/pitfalls-dating. If that strikes a chord, it’s … READ MORE ...

Questions About Enjoy relationship management journals

relationship goals hot gifIf your partner is distant, cold, and rejecting, how could working on the connection by your self possibly make a difference? By maintaining your function relationships specialist you will be setting yourself up for success in the future. When working with folks for a extended time you may feel it is not possible to not get on a private level, but you can have a “human” partnership with other people without it becoming too personal. We are not robots and relationships to develop between two people, you just need to maintain the personal information to a minimum. You are employed to do a job, not hang out with your friends.

Ah! Romatic empassioned enjoy! What a heady state and all as well usually, how destructive. In answer to the question posed by you report, yes, I am positive every single kind of connection man can forge goes … READ MORE ...