Dangers That You May Face at a Bar or on Blind Dates

Dangers That You May Face at a Bar or on Blind Dates

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Keeping fantasy and fiction aside that mentions meeting vampires on blind dates or at bars, let us look into some serious issues related to dating an unknown person or being at a bar. But before we venture into details here, it is important to make one thing very clear; bars are not a bad place, and going on blind dates can be fun. No one is bad-mouthing either of these. The motive here is to ensure that you are alert and attentive enough to not fall into any trap or trouble.

At bar:

– If you are a woman and going to a bar all alone, it is very common to come across people who would want to buy you a drink. But, if you are not attentive, chances are that they may slip some drug into it. Whatever follows, it need not be mentioned here.

  • You may find someone attractive there. He may use catchy pick-up lines too. He may even succeed in convincing that he is a nice guy. But if you let him go ahead and get physical with you, kiss you, touch you, hug you or move out with him to some other place, then he may very well take advantage of you. If you are not looking for a stand or no-strings-attached stuff, then you may go ahead. But it is not advisable.
  • Fraudsters also frequent such places. Methods may vary but you can get scammed too. So, it is important that you use wisdom and brains and not fall for glittery and fake stuff.
  • Drug abuse, alcohol, and smoking, etc. are also common. If you drink or smoke, you should do it in control and not take offerings from strangers. Whatever the case is, strictly avoid drugs and drinks from others.
  • Lastly, do not wander alone around any bar after dark. Good idea is that you bring someone along. Otherwise, you can ask one of the security guards to leave you to your car or help you in calling a cab, etc.

A blind date:

  • Strictly avoid asking your blind date to pick you up or drop you after the date. Do not disclose your address or such personal details, even during the date.
  • Make sure you both decide on a place that is not deserted. A public place is a good idea or a restaurant where there are several other people around you.
  • If possible, avoid alcohol. But if it is needed, then make sure you consume it in limits.
  • Inform a close friend or relative about your scheduled date, duration, and place.
  • Don’t think about proceeding with physical intimacy immediately after your blind date with that stranger.
  • Immediately leave after your date is over. Try not to walk off the distance. Rather, call a cab, but stay inside until the cab is right outside the main door. If you have your conveyance, then get inside and immediately lock the doors. Drive out immediately.
  • Do not wear revealing clothes. Don’t give out wrong signals. It will only make you vulnerable.

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