Why Is Your Boyfriend No Longer Romantic?

Why Is Your Boyfriend No Longer Romantic?

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Does your boyfriend still bring you flowers? Unexpected presents? Sometimes put on mood music and light candles at dinner?


Well, I’ll be darned! That’s so hard to believe!

Actually, it’s not hard to believe at all. It happens all the time. And the reasons can be easily explained (we’ll get to that.)

What I know is that it makes your life feel bland. The “spice” is gone. Every day is the same monotonous routine. Perhaps you are contemplating an affair.

I often hear it said that “communication” is the key to relationship issues. So hopefully you’ve tried to talk to him about this. Right? And nothing’s changed? So much for “communication.”

Actually, I think “communication” is over-hyped. It is important, sure, but it is not the magic bullet that solves all relationship problems. You need to get this out of your head.

I suggest replacing “communication” with some basic knowledge about what makes relationships work or not work. THEN you’ll have something to “communicate” about!

Why do you want him to be romantic anyway? There is no functional purpose in it.

Whoa! Did I say that? (Just testing you.)

Being romantic does have a functional purpose. It … READ MORE ...

Why You Should Never Pay for Online Dating

Online dating is a popular option because of the relative ease of the process. It is accessible from anywhere and it gives people a sense of comfort. It is much easier to approach a stranger online than in real life.

The popularity of online dating has brought many options to the market. Dating websites are general, specialized, free and paid. Some people are lured into believing that a paid dating website will increase their chances of discovering true love.

Why You Should Never Pay for Online Dating

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Is it really worth it spending money on online dating when hundreds of free opportunities are available? Apart from being a financial burden, paid online dating can lead to a needless sense of necessity and failed expectations.


Just imagine a website that features hundred of impeccable pictures. The men resemble mister Olympia but all of them have university degrees and well paid jobs. All women approximate Pamela Anderson. To make it even better – they cook, they listen and they take perfect care of their house.

Once a person provides the payment needed to use the website, the situation changes. All the movie stars disappear to be replaced with… well, regular people.

Many websites use this little trick … READ MORE ...